Reaching The Unreached

We take the gospel of Christ to the remote areas of the world.


GO! Truly the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few (Matt. 9:35). The work of missions requires willing and faithful stewards to go into the field to preach the Gospel and deliver souls to Christ.


GIVE! Indeed He who gives for the Kingdom of God, shall receive more! (Luke 6:38). You can also Join our movement with your generous donations of cash and material gifts for the poor.


We solicit your continuous prayers and trust that our prayer-answering God will listen to your petitions on our behalf - The prayers of the righteous avails much (James 5:16).

About Us

A Mission For All

Rubema Christian Missions Support International is a Christian, interdenominational body based in Lagos Nigeria, whose vision is to take the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the entire world, particularly to remote places where the modern preacher would rather not work and live in.

We have observed that a major constraint to spreading the gospel is the lack of infrastructure and amenities in remote areas. At RUBEMA, we encourage our missionaries to remain and evangelize in such areas.

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Living For Impact

We Empower Missionaries For Impact

We support Christian Missionary bodies and individuals to carry out the God-given task of spreading the gospel and providing succor to people in need.






Souls Saved


Years Of Impact

Give A Token

A small donation to Rubema missions can go as far as saving a life and giving a child's life a meaning. 

Every gift goes towards a saving the soul in the remote areas of the world.



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We support Christian Missionary bodies and individuals to carry out the God-given task of spreading the gospel and providing succor to people in need

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